Global Tax Network - Choose People Certified! And part of their secret sauce...

We are excited to announce Global Tax Network as our newest Choose People Certified Company – meaning they scored in the top 20% of companies for having a great company culture! They are a fast growing professional tax services firm headquartered out of Minneapolis, MN with 5 additional locations throughout the United States. Their niche and expertise is in the area of International Assignment Tax Services – sounds like exciting work huh? Well it is when it’s at Global Tax Network because they have a crazy cool culture! And no, they don’t have childcare onsite - or a massage therapist for that matter. And because of their culture they are able win over extraordinary talent from the “big dogs.” So what’s their secret sauce? I’ll give you one ingredient - they let employees bring their whole selves to work. Just read some of comments made by their staff:

  • GTN was incredibly flexible with my ever-changing schedule while attending school to finish my degree and the flexibility has continued thereafter when starting my family. I have much gratitude and will do everything I can to help GTN succeed.
  • GTN has proven that every employee is valued and shown extreme loyalty to me personally. I had only worked at GTN for about 6 months when I was diagnosed with cancer and had to leave to undergo treatment. Every single person there has been so supportive to me, and the owners really touched me by assuring me that I will have a spot there after treatment. I really look forward to returning, and soon!
  • This spring I got married. They allowed me to get things completed in my personal life, and trusted me to get my hours in for the week and complete my work. I wasn’t looked down upon or talked about. With the other companies that I worked for, that kind of flexibility would have never been allowed and if it would have been, you would not have come away unscathed.

At Global Tax Network, employees can bring their whole selves to work, because they are recognized and supported as whole beings – meaning they don’t just bring their “work” selves to work. When we ask employees to separate their personal lives from their professional lives, we’re in essence asking them to be schizophrenic and inauthentic. We then wonder why we sometimes experience odd interactions where we thought we knew what someone was thinking/feeling and later find out it was quite the opposite.

3 cheers for Global Tax Network – Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

If you want to learn more about Global Tax Network - you can check go to their website.

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