This is What it Should Feel Like


Sometimes you may wonder - What would it feel like to have a great company culture?

Just imagine what you would feel if these were responses to your exit interview (Wheatsville Co-op is a local Co-op/Grocery based out of Austin, TX):

What have you enjoyed most about working at Wheatsville?

The culture. Which is a combination of the people and the values that Wheatsville brings together. I often say (I really do – ask people) – “why try to find new friends outside of Wheatsville? Wheatsville has already interviewed and picked out the best people in Austin – you don’t even have to worry about whether they’re good people, because the ville has done that for you." So you bring in these awesome people and then you get them into the FISH principles and they buy intowhat we do. It makes it an incredible place to work, when there are amazing people practicing amazing ways to live (and by amazing ways to live I mean choose your attitude, make their day, be there, and play)

Honestly those principles changed my life – this sounds cheesy as hell, and like I am sucking up. But why would I do that in an exit interview? Honestly, Wheatsville was there for me in a pivotal moment of my life. I have changed from shy, self-loathing, and depressed into an amazing person that I love and am proud of. Those principles and the people of the ville played a giant role in that change for me. If you apply the fish principles to your daily life things just go SO much better. Also go direct! So important –especially in close relationships.

Were you satisfied with the compensation at Wheatsville?

Yes! Nowhere else can you do this job and get paid this well. I know that we have a much higher standard of customer service which is one reason for the higher pay. But honestly with the higher pay I feel like Wheatsville really cares about me – and wants me to earn a living wage. Also the raise eligibility schedule was amazing, and I never felt stagnant or that I couldn’t move up.

Would you recommend Wheatsville as an employer to a friend? Please elaborate.

Yes. And I have. A lot. I tell people that Wheatsville is the best place I have ever worked and honestly will probably be the best place I will ever work. Wheatsville cares about its employees. Case in point: X’s Teeth, and X’ shoes. No other employer with as many employees and in this line of work would do that. Beyond that you combine amazing people with amazing values to take a job that in the actuality of it can kind of really suck (moments like I have a college degree and I am bagging a 16-year-old’s groceries who is on her cell phone) and make it a very desirable job to have!

Thank you to Wheatsville for not only sharing but also for creating and investing in a culture that would warrant such an extraordinary response!

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