50 hours of time were wasted in half an hour

Friday morning I drove by 100 people on the other side of the highway sitting in their crawling cars impatiently wondering why there was so much traffic. Is it an accident? Is it construction? At least half of them were late to an appointment. And most of them were frustrated. Quite a few were wondering if they should be trying to find an exit to go a different route.

Having been on the other side, I could see why they were all stuck.

There was an accident.

Oh and then there were the people who compounded the loss of time, the increase in frustration by driving by slowly, craning their necks to see the carnage.

Why would I write about this?

All sorts of “accidents” occur in a company simply because it’s part of being in business and working with people. Customer accidents. Management accidents. Cash Flow accidents. Product or service accidents. Vendor accidents. And the all-encompassing crash pile up of people issue accidents.

How quickly do you address these accidents? How many people are craning their necks trying to see why the company’s not moving forward? How many are looking at going an alternative route? How many are distracted by the drama? How many hours of employee brilliance and efficiency go wasted on a pile up? You're very lucky if it's only half an hour for each employee.

Of course we try to do all we can to avoid these accidents, and to make sure we learn from them, but regardless there will always be a few unknown crashes waiting in the wings for the right circumstances.

Accidents are a given. How quickly you communicate them, address them and resolve them is not.

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