On the Hunt for the Happiest & UnHappiest Employees in America

I’m on the hunt for the happiest and unhappiest employees in America. Got a couple minutes?

Here’s the deal, I’m looking for people to:

1.Take a quick, 7 question poll that will help me identify the companies (w/ 10 or more employees) that you think, based on your personal experience, have the HAPPIEST and Unhappiest employees.

2.Spread the love - get a few friends to take the poll and vote for their favorite happy employee company, too.

3.Maybe even get a few friends to tell a few friends…you get the idea.

The game is to get 3,000 people to respond within 3 weeks. We will recognize companies nominated for their happy employees in upcoming blog posts. Make sure your favorite company makes the list.

Be part of the happy employee solution. Help us find the best Choose People qualified companies and you’ll be (in the long run) helping to create more of them!

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