How do you create a Lovemark?

Ed Goodman, Chief Experience Officer of Spiral Experiences shared with me today the term "Lovemark" - where customers say "I love that company/that product/that service."

Part of creating a true blue Lovemark - not just a "brand" is to have your employees say "I love coming to work here." And here's what's interesting - it's as important, if not MORE important that your employees love your company in order to truly create a Lovemark.


Because the employee experience feeds the customer experience. The internal culture is reflected externally all the time. Employees are the ones who take care of your customers. If employees are not taken care of, how well do you think they'll take care of customers?

I'm always amazed at the manager who treats direct reports disrespectfully while demanding that employees treat customers with the utmost respect. Crazy making.

At the Ritz Carlton, they get it. There are so many great stories about the Ritz - well here's one more to add to the list. When they do employee training, they let employees know that at the Ritz it's about "Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen." This simple phrase says so much:

  • Employees come first.
  • Employees are the critical linchpin to the success as the generators of action.
  • Employees are seen with respect, a respect on par with the respect of wealthy guests.
  • Our employees are ladies and gentlemen and there are expectations that go along with standing in that space.

At the Ritz they are known for surprising their guests with exceptional attention to personal preferences. They do the same for their employees. From how they are treated, employees not only love where they work - they also learn how to treat guests in a similar manner, and having personally felt the experience they understand the joy, the impact, they create for guests.

Your employees' experience will be your customers' experience. If you truly want to create a Lovemark, start with the "love" within your organization. What experience could you create for your employees where they would say, "I love coming to work here!"?

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