Meaningful Wellness Rewards

If an employee quits smoking, starts exercising, or loses 10 lbs. due to your wellness program how can you reward them?

No tchotchkes. No doodads, swag from the latest conference, low dollar gift cards or company logoed items.

They're not motivating.

In fact they can be a de-motivator, “I worked so hard to get here and all I have to show for it is X.” And don't go spend hoards of money either.

Instead consider doing something meaningful. For example, for someone who has quit smoking:

  • Verbal congratulations in front of their peers
  • Resulting in high fives from co-workers
  • Sign on cubby/cubicle – “Kicked the Habit!”
  • In honor of X quitting smoking, everyone can leave at 4:00pm on Friday
  • Weekly/occassional “Rock on” notes to make them smile and feel the glow of pride for what they've acheived for themselves. Try to personalize them:
    • Being a good role model for your 13 year old son
    • Run up the office stairs with ease
    • Kick Joe’s butt in tennis
    • Use your vacation days for vacation instead of for sick days
    • Add $150 to your travel fund each month
    • Picture of healthy vs. non-healthy lung - circle the healthy one with a note "This is you!"
    • Alive to attend your granddaughter’s wedding
    • Alive to reach and enjoy retirement
    • Look forward to dancing when you’re old
    • Better breath and hence more kissable for your beloved ;)
    • Warm cozy indoor breaks in the winter

All of these recognitions are way better than a company coffee mug or $10 gift card AND it will help keep them committed to their goals.

Secret Agent Hint: This goes for all rewards/recognition/appreciation - meaningfulness trumps swag everytime. If your company can afford to go high end and give a weekend away, great. But many can't and they don't need to to have a wonderful company culture.

If an employee quits smoking, starts exercising, or loses 10 lbs. due to your wellness program how can you reward them?

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