One of the Best Employee Management Tools

As you can imagine, I read a lot of books, articles and blogs about employees. Here's one you don't want to miss - a brilliant tangible management book and a valuable assessment all in one.

$16 from Amazon or $30 to support your local book store - you'll want one for each of your employees.

Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton

Why one for each of your employees? Because at the back of the book is a code where your employee can go online and take their personal strengths assessment. In about 30 minutes they will find out their top 5 strengths - and so will you!

(In addition to the $15/$30 you will also have the cost of your employees 30 minutes of time taking the assessment and then another 30 discussing the results - however I would suggest this is time and money very well spent.)

In a nutshell, the book describes

  • why you should consider hiring and managing based on strengths (lots of evidence to back this up)
  • each of the different strengths they've identified in detail
  • how to manage people based on each of the different strengths (fabulous takeaway!)

I also find it valuable for coworkers to know each other's strengths - it helps everyone value one another in a different light and have a sense of who's the "go to" person on different issues or opportunities. In addition, most everyone likes to learn about themselves through an empowering venue.

I highly recommend this small investment as it provides big value.

Culture Works

With Culture Works in your hands you’ll know exactly how, and what to do to manage your workplace culture.
No other workplace culture book empowers you to take on workplace challenges like the researched and proven 8 Critical Factors found in Culture Works.
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