SpatialKey: What it takes to be the best

We are excited to announce that SpatialKey is not only a Choose People Certified Company – but the highest scoring organization we’ve had to date!

SpatialKey is a computer software company known for transforming data into actionable intelligence. They are an international virtual team of 21 and growing fast! That’s right – virtual. So to all those naysayers (ahem, I used to be one) who think face to face, in person interaction is mission critical to having an extraordinary workplace culture, think again. SpatialKey not only upends that notion, it blows it out of the water. The camaraderie amongst this remote team is beautiful – they know one another’s sense of humor, each other’s work habits and preferences and share personal struggles.

Another beautiful aspect of SpatialKey is that they are the most relaxed, high functioning team we’ve ever worked with. There’s no pretense. There’s no BS (except for the fun kind). And there’s a hard-core commitment by each individual to bring their best work. There’s a pride of being on the SpatialKey team – by being good enough to play with other brilliant people. And there’s also a real individual humility – it’s the work they accomplish as a team that matters. They truly live by the motto – “we’re better together.” This also allows for brutal honesty around how to improve the work, without tweaks or changes being taken personally.

One employee even called working at SpatialKey a privilege.

One simple example of their lack of pretense was when three of us were due to have a Google Hangout meeting– myself, Tom Link, the CEO and Sarah Kinnel, the Marketing Director. Shortly before the meeting, Sarah let us know she had a raging headache and would not be able to bring her best thinking brain to the table and asked if we could reschedule. Tom didn’t hesitate and said “of course” and hoped she felt better. Sarah was more committed to the work than looking good. Tom was more committed to Sarah than to the meeting. And the safety existed for Sarah to be able to simply express she wasn’t feeling well.

In many workplaces, the outcome would have looked more like…

  1. The employee “pushing” through – trying to fake feeling well and unable to truly participate and be present to the work
  2. The employee “pushing” through – complaining and hoping someone gives them permission to leave the meeting
  3. The employer demonstrating mild annoyance rather than trust and simple compassion (which would then circle back to actions taken in #1 and #2)

This lack of pretense is possible because team members are trusted with autonomy and treated like responsible adults.

To learn more about SpatialKey and hear more from their employees about why they love working there – check out their Choose People Certified page.

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