Symptoms of Unhappy Employees

A CEO asked me the other day - how do I know if I have unhappy employees? While this may seem obvious, employees to protect their own interests often hide their feelings of frustration from their supervisor or top executives. What I can tell you is that it IS obvious if you have happy employees. People don't hide joy. So chances are if you don't know that they're happy, then there's probably cause for concern.

However here's a laundry list of some symptoms of unhappy employees:

  • Gossip
  • Bickering
  • Moping
  • Pointing fingers – blame game
  • Abuse of resources
  • Hoarding of resources
  • Not helpful outside of the “box”
  • Lack of concern for the company, coworkers and customers
  • Regularly arrive late, leave early, and take extra long breaks
  • Clock watching
  • Multiple customer complaints
  • Passive aggressive e-mails
  • Unexpectedly quitting (duh) – if they’re angry they’ll leave you in a lurch
  • Apathy – could care less, whatever, just doing my job, that’s just what they told me to do
  • Gregarious person becomes quiet, introverted
  • Rolled eyes
  • Complain about changes
  • Couched “soft landing” and/or coded communication
  • Evasive
  • Inconsistent work – rockstars one week, unproductive the next
  • Lack of input when ideas/feedback is requested
  • Undermining
  • Always say yes with a smile and “flat” eyes
  • Always has something better to do than attend the company meeting
  • Snide remarks and then say "just kidding"

How many of these have you seen in your teammates and colleagues this week?

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