The Ice Bucket Challenge For Your Organization

Last week I heard of a company that did something truly brilliant.

One of their team members was headed in for open-heart surgery.

The company bought everyone Fitbits and for every 1 million steps in the month, the company donated $1000 to this employee’s surgery.

The team accomplished 5 million steps and raised $5000 for their co-worker!

There are 8 wins here.

  1. The employee receiving the donation
  2. The inspiring experience for each team member who participated in being who they believe themselves to be in the world by making a difference and altruistically contributing to a cause larger than themselves
  3. The experience of the team contributing as a team - one person's steps alone
    could not have made the difference
  4. The creation of real deal camaraderie and experiencing both "we’re in this together" and interdependency awareness
  5. The health and well being created by all those steps
  6. Being on a winning and caring team
  7. Celebrating winning and a significant morale boost amongst employees
  8. The first 7 wins leads to increased productivity which more than financially pays for the Fitbits and donation

What kind of bucket challenge could you create for your team? Consider including these factors:

  • Everyone can participate and it’s easy to participate
  • Timely with a finish-line
  • Meaningful – towards an altruistic goal that is tangible for everyone
  • Creates well-being for participants in the act of participating
  • Encourages camaraderie and a sense of team and unity
  • Witnessing of one another’s contribution

I would love to hear what you come up with!

Culture Works

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