The Unexpected Secret to Retention After the Pandemic: Onboarding

Why Onboarding Matters More Than You Think

It’s becoming clear that effective onboarding is absolutely critical to retaining talent in the post-COVID world, as employers are struggling as never before to keep new talent on board.

With the rise of so-called quick quitting, 52% of employees with less than 3 months’ tenure are looking to leave, as are 60% of employees with 3-6 months’ tenure.

But is onboarding really a factor?

First impressions are lasting.

  • 80% of new hires who receive poor onboarding plan to quit (especially if they are remote).
  • Yet onboarding is typically an afterthought, with only 12% of new hires reporting a great onboarding experience.

In contrast, organizations with structured onboarding programs can see 50% greater retention in new hires.

  • In fact, 69% of employees with a strong onboarding experience plan to stay at least 3 years. (These organizations also report 62% greater productivity from their new hires.)

Spending time to build a structured onboarding program now can deliver outsize impact and value for years to come–and can ensure you stand out and stay staffed in an increasingly competitive post-pandemic hiring market filled with hybrid and remote opportunities.

Don’t have the time or bandwidth to rework or build a process?

In response to this need, Choose People has developed an onboarding overhaul package that creates an onboarding process (or enhances your existing process) using industry best practices and insights from the latest employee engagement research.

We’ll work with you to design and then deliver a complete process (including training and documentation) aligned with your organization’s approach and outstanding for your new employees.

To learn more about what this could look like for you, let's chat.

Sources: Forbes, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, Society of Human Resource Management, State of People Strategy: Resiliency of People-First Leadership

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