Universal Mind: Palpable Pride & Their NO list

We are excited to announce that Universal Mind is a Choose People Certified Company! Today we want to highlight just a couple aspects that make Universal Mind’s culture extraordinary.

First, the employees of Universal Mind have a tremendous palpable pride of being a “UMer.” One even stated in our anonymous survey comments: “I challenge you to find a better place to work.” I heard repeatedly from this team how much they:

  • Value having a chance to work with “really wicked smart people.”
  • Feel lucky to be counted among this tribe that has a shared passion for doing great work and doing right by the client.
  • Thrive on the challenging work and appreciate the high expectations around quality. They noted how this keeps them honest and humble in their desire to be the best of the best.
  • Appreciate the tremendous depth of communal spirit (which impressively allows them to respectfully call one another out to help one another improve.)
  • Value how much leadership and management genuinely care about them.

Second, a company is often defined as much by what they stand for as by what they stand against. And while this list is not official, I can confidently say in my experience of Universal Mind they stand against the following:


  • Prima Donnas
  • Blame
  • Grudges
  • Politics
  • Gossip
  • Filter or Pretense
  • Know-It-Alls
  • Stiffs
  • Jackholes
  • Micromanagement
  • Stigma of Remote Employees
  • Us/Them

Read more about Universal Mind and what their employees have to say!


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