Quiz - Am I a good employee? Ten Questions to Consider

Mostly on this blog you'll find ways companies can be better employers. However here's some questions and considerations for employees to chew on - not surprisingly many of these questions are applicable for the executive team too:

  1. Do you offer up innovative, creative, doable and financially feasible solutions for improvement? (Or are you simply a yes person, disgruntled and steaming beneath the surface?)
  2. Do you give 110% every day because that's simply who you are? (Or do you do just enough to make sure you "look good" or better than the person next to you?)
  3. Do you take responsibility and action when mistakes occur? (Or do you point fingers and desperately look for someone to blame?)
  4. Are you happily willing do what needs to be done even if it's not "yours" to do?
  5. When you have a problem, issue or concern, do you take it to someone who can do something about it? (Or whine to anyone who will listen?)
  6. Do you gossip with co-workers? A close second, do you create drama or division in the office?
  7. Are you committed to having the company you work for be better and make a bigger positive impact because of your work there?
  8. Are you thoughtful in how and what you add to the discussion in meetings? (Or do you checkout or perhaps worse, talk to hear yourself talk?)
  9. Do you bring value to your company and your co-workers every day? How do you know?
  10. Do you own your attitude?

What other questions do you think should be on this list?

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