Empowering Fridays at 3:00: How to Have Effective Team Meetings

If your team works a traditional schedule, the last two hours of the work week are often a waste, but they don't have to be. You can hold effective, weekly team meetings on Friday afternoons by celebrating wins, evaluating opportunities and setting everyone up for success the following week. Even though mindsets have shifted towards the weekend, people like to end the week with a cherry on top.


Hold Effective Weekly Team Meetings in 8 Steps

Hour #1: Put the cherry on top of the week.

1. What did we get done?
Then CELEBRATE, high five, appreciate and acknowledge what it took to get that done.

2. What didn’t we get done?
Then evaluate – do these tasks/items/initiatives still need to get done? If yes, what is needed (if anything) to get these done? Or does a task need to go into the parking lot because the realization is that it’s actually not a priority at this time?

3. What did we do that worked this week?
Then CELEBRATE the learning and the insights.

4. What did we do that didn’t work this week?
Consider whether this is a one-time instance or a habitual challenge that requires attention.

Hour #2: Build a new sundae for next week.

1. Considering what got done/didn’t get done and what worked/didn’t work – what opportunities are now available to us for achieving this month’s/quarter’s goals and following through on our commitments?
Don’t forget to connect the team and the work to the bigger strategic goals along with the mission, vision and values.

2. What is each person committing to accomplish by this meeting next week?
Do a round robin and capture the commitments.

3. What do you have in place (or need) to accomplish those items?
For example - allocated time in schedule, designated time for communication with team members/clients, resources etc.

4. Do you have any requests from this team now, in order to achieve this?
Make sure requests get concisely responded to one way or another – don’t leave them up in the air.

Effective weekly team meetings are a breeze if you follow these eight simple steps. Please be sure you always end on a high note. Thank everyone for their hard work. Wish them a weekend they want for themselves. And let them know you look forward to seeing them on Monday, ready to hit the ground running!


Culture Works

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